F-80 Practice Test

The F-80 Certificate of Fitness test for the Fire Department of New York (FDNY) is a requirement for those who want to become Fire Safety Directors (FSD) at facilities that require such personnel. It is an important and essential certificate for those responsible for fire safety and emergency action plan in buildings containing 100 people or more.

There are many benefits to getting an F-80 certification for those who want to work in the field of fire safety and emergency management in New York City. Here are some of them. You will have much greater job opportunities than those who do not have the certification and it is a prerequisite for positions, such as Fire Safety Manager (FSD) or Emergency Action Plan Manager in various facilities . You will also be a knowledgeable specialist meaning you are deeply versed in fire safety protocols, emergency procedures and building regulations. Financially, if you are a specialist, your salary will certainly be higher due to increased responsibilities and many benefits for employers and on a personal level, etc…

How to get the most out of taking this practice test, After you finish the test, write down the mistakes and then focus on the topics you got wrong and when you study, focus on them and you will see the results quickly.

F-80 Practice Test

1 / 15

What is the minimum number of exits required for a floor with an occupant load of 750 people in a homeless shelter?

2 / 15

How often must smoke alarms in homeless shelters be sensitivity tested?

3 / 15

What is the minimum sound level above ambient required for audible fire alarm notification in sleeping areas?

4 / 15

Which of the following is NOT a typical responsibility of an F-80 Coordinator?

5 / 15

What is the maximum occupant load factor (in square feet per person) for sleeping areas in a homeless shelter?

6 / 15

Which of the following is NOT a requirement for emergency lighting in a homeless shelter?

7 / 15

What is the minimum fire resistance rating required for corridor walls in a homeless shelter?

8 / 15

How often should fire extinguishers be visually inspected in a homeless shelter?

9 / 15

What is the minimum candela rating required for visual notification appliances in sleeping areas of a homeless shelter?

10 / 15

Which of the following is NOT an acceptable means of egress in a homeless shelter?

11 / 15

What is the minimum width required for exit doors in a homeless shelter?

12 / 15

How often must fire alarm systems be tested and inspected in homeless shelters?

13 / 15

What is the maximum travel distance to the nearest exit in a homeless shelter without a sprinkler system?

14 / 15

Which of the following is NOT a typical component of a fire alarm system in a homeless shelter?

15 / 15

What is the minimum number of fire drills required annually in a homeless shelter?

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